Tara Bhavan - Upcoming

The Salient Features of Tara Bhavan

1. Tara Bhavan is located at Dr. M.B. Raut Marg, Shivaji Park, Dadar (West) and bearing C.S. No 1727 of Mahim division.
2. The plot area is 528.43 Sq. Mtrs.
3. Tara Bhavan is a cessed property under ā€œCā€ Category.
4. The property is situated in Residential Zone.
5. The Plot is not affected by any reservation/designation as per DP Plan 1991 and 2034.
6. The land falls within the Coastal Regulation Zone. (CRZ II).
7. The property is situated within Shivaji Park Buffer.
8. The land is a leasehold land.
9. There are a total 9 residential Tenants.
10. The proposed building consisting of Ground + 21 upper floors, in which 2 pit parking floors +Ground floor has Entrance lobby & parking Area & Ground to 4th Puzzle parking floors + 5th E-Deck level (Amenity) floor + 6th to 13th are reserved for Residential Teanats & 14th to 21st Floors are for Freesale.